NRWA Fleet Purchase Program

Welcome to Rural Water Fleet Central

The Fleet Vehicle program with VRWA through NRWA provides an opportunity to purchase new vehicles at Contract Fleet Pricing without the hassle of traditional auto buying.  Our program is very simple and easy to use. When you order your vehicle through Rural Water Fleet Central, your vehicle will be ordered direct from the factory and built to your specifications. It will then be shipped to a local dealership in your area for final inspection and servicing at no additional cost.


Exclusively for RURAL WATER!

  Fleet Pricing – at Virginia Rural Water Fleet Central: In partnership with National Rural Water Association


All State Water Associations members are eligible.  If you have any questions, please email us at sales@NRWAfleet.com or call our Fleet & Government Sales Department at 800-375-4471, ext. 173.  Visit www.nrwa.org for more information.
